‘Five Forms of Play’ is a year-long project revolving around five group exhibitions, from March 29th 2019 to March 20th 2020. Over 20 artists are invited to collaborate with the artist, pedagogue and curator Francis Patrick Brady to create and learn together how to  ‘play’  with their work.  ‘To play’ with their work means to: vibrate, mock, invent, activate, remake, recreate, simulate, or destroy, in an abstract or physical sense; put simply it is an alternative way of seeing and engaging with the art. Each artist have been commissioned to create an artwork, or rethink a current artwork, so that it can be  ‘played’  in some way and all together they will play with each of the works as in symphony or in solo, as group exhibition or performance event.

From Bauhaus to Dada, Situationists to Fluxus, artists have utilised ‘play’ and gamified speculation to funnel chaotic creative energies or disrupt the normal flow of reality to examine the hidden structures of society. Roger Caillois divided and described play in four unique forms and in this exhibition series those four forms of play are applied as the titles and organising principles of each show; plus a fifth show as the wildcard in the deck or the anti-category as the final show on March 20th 2020 (Spring Equinox). Like the village carnival, play allows us to invert the usual rules of the day and be together in a new invented temporary set of rules.


Competition, Antagonism, Tests, Athletic skill

11th October 2019

Nils Elvebakk Skalegård
Gisa Pantel
Anne-Sofie Overgaard

(Francis Patrick Brady & Andrea Francke)


Vertigo, Whirlpool, Altered Perception

17th January 2020

Sidsel Christensen
William Darrell
Fie Norsker
Nina Nowak


Anti-category, Ritual, Carnivalesque, Ephemera

20th March 2020


Albin Werle
Arianne Churchman
Desmond Church
Anna Margrethe Pedersen

Graphic and logo design by
Jacob Grønbech Jensen

Celsius Projects, Celsiusgatan 45, 212 14 Malmö