Songs for Sigge

ALTA & VISTA Group Exhibition

Kah Bee Chow, Lena Bergendahl, Christofer Degrér, Jamila Drott, Gitte Eidslott, Jon Ek, Annie Eliasson, Mattias Eliasson, Timja Femling, Johan F. Karlsson, Ingrid Furre, Moa Gustafsson Söndergaaard, Anna Hillbom, Hanna Una Holmquist, Sigrid Holmwood, Jens Lindqvist, Jonas Malmberg, Stina Malmqvist, Johan Nahoj, Olof Nimar, Joana Pereira, Ida Persson, Anders S. Solberg, Julia Selin, Matti Sumari, André Talborn, Louise Waite, Nike Åkerberg

A group show by the members of our neighbouring art collectives Alta and Vista. Through Jamilla Drott’s Column-project some of the members of Celsius Projects were also invited to this exhibition.

August 2020

Photo credit: Lena Bergendahl

With support from:

Celsius Projects, Celsiusgatan 45, 212 14 Malmö