Simen Godtfredsen

Kattliknande viskningar i råttliknande drömmar
(Catlike Whispers In Ratlike Dreams)

September 2019 

All photos by Anders S. Solberg

Celsius Projects presents Simen Godtfredsen (1987, NOR) and his first solo show in Malmö.

Primarily working with sculpture, Godtfredsen uses found and appropriated materials to manipulate our awareness of everyday objects. Borrowing from DIY culture and bricolage, Godtfredsen utilises ad-hoc strategies to question our basic understanding of definitions, functionality, ownership and value systems; revealing the flip-side of the coin, the shadowy side of the world that we inhabit.

'Kattliknande viskningar i råttliknande drömmar' (Catlike whispers in ratlike dreams) is an exhibition in which the artist explores his own anxieties, paranoia and general existential crisis through looking closely at the gallery space, the building it is placed in and its immediate surroundings.

Celsius Projects, Celsiusgatan 45, 212 14 Malmö